Coupons DZ is a subscription based coupon platform which allows customers to avail special offers/discounts on various products of their liking.
We span accross 3 different business backgrounds
Health and Beauty
Our subscription model is a simple one-stop shop experience for the customer. It follows 3 ridiculuosly simple steps as below
No added micro-transactions
No recurring payments
No distractions
The customer can either choose to pay for our subscription directly to our sales representative or to the merchant they want to avail their coupon from (e.g. their favourite restaurant/gym etc.)
Once paid for subscription, the user can simply click on the desired coupon and redeem it.
Following would be a unique QR code verification done by merchant to ensure authenticity of the user and avoid malpractices and/or exploitation of the coupons.
merchants will follow 3 simple steps to regest their activity:
1- Make their registrations
2- choose Their type of business
3- fill in their information
now they can start creating and posting coupons that easy